Friday, April 17, 2009

New technology could in fact, destroy technology


The concept of an EMP bomb is not all that new, however last week FOX News brought attention to a new, smaller version of the weapon that is being produced.

EMP stands for Electromagnetic Pulse, the article stating that it creates, "a supermassive blast of electricity, usually from a nuclear blast high above ground, that fries electronic circuits for miles around, crippling computers, cars and most other modern gadgets." What this means in terms of war is that an entire infrastructures can be shut down, in varying lengths of time and scope.

Our discussions in class have touched on the ethics of warfare, as well as what is considered war. This technology begs the questions- is shutting down electricity ethical in war? Is this more or less damaging than other attacks, such as bombing?

The article focuses on the possibility of groups outside of the military being able to construct these, as well,

Israeli counter-terrorism expert Yael Shahar tells New Scientist magazine. "And much of this could be built from off-the-shelf components or dual-use technologies. Shahar says she's especially worried about two devices — one called a Marx generator, which beams an EMP at a target, and the other with the "Back to the Future"-like name of flux-compression generator."

If seemingly anyone willing can have access to this technology, how will it change warfare? Perhaps in the future we will see wars of limiting resources and shutting down civilian life as opposed to killing soldiers- is this for the better or the worse? Moreover, is the fact that we are asking ourselves this question the problem in the first place?

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