Sunday, October 19, 2008

President Bush's Campaign for Listeners

Both on NPR and in the news, I have been hearing a lot about President Bush's proposed plans for the economy, and it makes me realize what a strange place he is in as president.

There are three men proposing different policies to deal with the economy, yet only President Bush is in a position where he must actually try and apply his policies. He is being forced to make pragmatic decisions; even though the nation is listening to either McCain or Obama- yet neither of the two must put their plans into action until they have actually been elected. Because of this, one could argue their plans compared to President Bush's are more idealistic, since their proposals do not have to gain the approval of Congress before they promote it in a campaign speech.

It almost seems as though Bush himself is campaigning- not for the election, but for the attention of the nation. The article stresses how frequently he has been touring, discussing the financial crisis. Somewhere between the idealism of the candidates and President Bush's current pragmatic approach, hopefully we will, as a country, overcome this crisis.

1 comment:

Patrick K. said...

I think you are pointing out something we tend to forget. George W. Bush is still our president. Not even the news covers this guy anymore. No one seems to care, now that we have McCain or Obama coming into office in a few months. Unfortunately, Bush is still in charge, and right now it his job to help the economy or at least keep it stable until (hopefully) Obama can fix it.